Monthly Archives: July, 2010

Same blog title, new place, new year, new …

After a number of my colleagues expressed disappointment that I’ve let me web presence slide for the last 5 years, I’ve caved and opened up this blog. Hopefully I’ll take advantage of the push, and start writing more consistently …. but its not a practice I’ve ever really enjoyed. And that may be a large theme throughout whatever does end up here.

I’ve hit that point in my life where I spend moments in conferences lost in thought about how our knowledge worker’s daily grind blinds us to reflective analysis of what we are accomplishing, and as a result spend a lot of time dwelling on my place in this scheme of human development and progress. At the end of the day I think I will always walk the line of design-research because I both enjoy making things, but care deeply about why my designs have an effect, if any, much less the desired one.